Result type (Water Overlay)

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The water model performs complex calculations, and multiple types of results can be provided. In principle, each overlay can be configured to display a single result type.

Unique results

Each result type would consist of a unique output of data after a calculation, and is accompanied by its own legend. When the result type of the overlay is changed, the legend is updated automatically, but the data may not be recalculated automatically. This may result in the visual output of the overlay changing, because the unchanged data is displayed with a new legend. When changing the result type, it is recommended to force a recalculation of the overlay before inspecting the results.

Naturally, the results can be seen visually. They can also be inspected in more detail, and also exported.

Multiple result child overlays

Each overlay can only display a single result type. When using a water overlay, it is often desirable to output multiple types of overlay, relevant to a project's use case. To support this usecase, it is possible to add result child overlays to a water overlay. These can then store and display different results coming forth from the same water overlay calculation. The advantages of using result child overlays are that for any given water overlay, the calculation of the overlay only occurs once, rather than multiple times equal to the amount of desired result types. Additionally, the configuration for the calculation is only defined in a single overlay, which makes it easier to verify and configure the used simulation parameters.

It is currently only possible to add result child overlays via the configuration wizard, in the step regarding output overlays.

List of Result Types

Icon Result type Unit Display mode Description Rainfall overlay Flooding overlay Groundwater overlay
Overlay icon water base types.png
BASE_TYPES nominal value Start Categorization of the individual cells based on how they are processed by the water model, displaying which cells are considered to be specific features.
Overlay icon water debug uv.png
DEBUG_UV m3s-2 Last The wave part of each flux component in the 2D Saint-Venant system X X X
Overlay icon water debug walls.png
DEBUG_WALLS none Start Cells marked as walls based on their slope in x- and y-direction and the minimum slope required. X X X
Overlay icon water evaporated.png
EVAPORATED m (mm)¹ Total The amount of water that has evaporated. The value is the sum of the quantities evaporated from the surface and the underground. X X X
Overlay icon water gpu overview.png
GPU_OVERVIEW nominal value Maximum Shows which GPU cluster calculated which part of the overlay. X X X
Overlay icon water ground last storage.png
GROUND_LAST_STORAGE m (mm)¹ Last The (effective) amount of water in the underground unsaturated zone. X
Overlay icon water ground last value.png
GROUND_LAST_VALUE m (mm)¹ Last The distance between the terrain surface and the groundwater level. X
Overlay icon water ground max storage.png
GROUND_MAX_STORAGE m (mm)¹ Maximum The (effective) amount of water in the underground unsaturated zone. X
Overlay icon water ground max value.png
GROUND_MAX_VALUE m (mm)¹ Maximum The distance between the terrain surface and the groundwater level. X
Overlay icon water ground watertable.png
GROUND WATERTABLE m + datum Last The groundwater level, relative to datum. X
Overlay icon water impacted buildings.png
IMPACTED_BUILDINGS nominal value Maximum Constructions impacted by excess water, with the definition of "impacted" as defined by IMPACT_FLOOD_THRESHOLD_M. X X X
Overlay icon water sewer last value.png
SEWER_LAST_VALUE m (mm)¹ Last The amount of water stored in the sewer. X X X
Overlay icon water sewer max value.png
SEWER_MAX_VALUE m (mm)¹ Maximum The amount of water stored in the sewer. X X X
SUBSTANCE_A x/m² Last The amount of substance A present. The value is the sum of the quantities on the surface, and in the underground. X X X
SUBSTANCE_B x/m² Last The amount of substance B present. The value is the sum of the quantities on the surface, and in the underground. X X X
SUBSTANCE_C x/m² Last The amount of substance C present. The value is the sum of the quantities on the surface, and in the underground. X X X
SUBSTANCE_D x/m² Last The amount of substance D present. The value is the sum of the quantities on the surface, and in the underground. X X X
Overlay icon water surface direction.png
SURFACE_DIRECTION geo angle (0-360°) Last The direction in which water is flowing across the surface. X X X
Overlay icon water surface duration.png
SURFACE_DURATION s (min)¹ Total The amount of time the water depth on the surface exceeds SHOW_DURATION_FLOOD_LEVEL_M. X X X
Overlay icon water surface elevation.png
SURFACE_ELEVATION m + datum Start The rasterized version of the terrain height for use in the water overlay's calculations. X X X
Overlay icon water surface flow.png
SURFACE_FLOW m³/m² Last The amount of water which has flowed through a given location. X X X
Overlay icon water surface last speed.png
SURFACE_LAST_SPEED m/s Last The (horizontal) speed of water flow. X X X
Overlay icon water surface last value.png
SURFACE_LAST_VALUE m (mm)¹ Last The amount of water on the surface. X X X
Overlay icon water surface max speed.png
SURFACE_MAX_SPEED m/s Maximum The (horizontal) speed of water flow. X X X
Overlay icon water surface max value.png
SURFACE_MAX_VALUE m (mm)¹ Maximum The amount of water on the surface. X X X
Overlay icon water water stress.png
WATER_STRESS m (mm)¹ Maximum The amount of water on the surface, similar to SURFACE_MAX_VALUE. However, for water terrains, the water height must rise by at least ALLOWED_WATER_INCREASE_M. Otherwise, the reported value in those locations is 0. X X X

Template:Unit disclaimer (Water Overlay)

Result types can differ in the kind of data they display, the layer (surface or underground) of which they display that information, and how that data is recorded. Different result types can monitor data in the following ways:

  • Start: The data is determined at the start of the simulation, and does not change afterwards.
  • Last: The data is the latest value determined at the timestep the data is recorded. The values can increase and decrease between different timesteps. This mode is primarily used for monitoring progression.
  • Maximum: The data is the highest value determined up until the timestep the data is recorded. The values can only increase or stay the same, but will never decrease. This mode is primarily used to gain insight into impact; the most severe situation any point had to endure.
  • Total: The result of a running tally, counting the relevant data up until the timestep the data is recorded. The value can only increase or stay the same, but will never decrease. This mode is primarily used to gain insight into quantities rather than duration.


  • Although it is possible to duplicate the overlay, and set the copy of the overlay to a different result type, we strongly advice to use child overlays instead. Downsides of the duplication approach are:
  1. the simulation has to run in full multiple times, causing a severe increase in calculation time.
  2. when changes to the overlay's configuration have to be made those changes need to be made to all water overlays.
  • Result child overlays do not recalculate if either they or their parent is set to inactive.
  • If a calculation overlay is removed, all result child overlays of that overlay are removed as well. Separate overlays set as child overlays (such as input overlays) of the overlay will not be removed.


See also