How to add a static grid-based traffic model
Traffic data can be important in many use-cases. However, traffic data can also be notoriously difficult to align to geographical features exactly, due to the conceptual nature of the data in relation to the physical properties of the built environment. The Tygron Platform provides a mechanism which allows traffic data to be loaded in separate from the Constructions in the 3D world, after which calculation models which rely on traffic data can use that data as input.
These steps assume the data is available as a GeoTIFF. Other grid data can be similarly added to a Project.
How to load add traffic data unaligned with roads:
- Add a GeoTiff Overlay.
- Opt to add a GeoTiff to the GeoTiff Overlay.
- Opt to add the GeoTiff with traffic data to the Project.
- Opt to add the uploaded GeoTiff to the GeoTiff Overlay.
- The created GeoTiff Overlay can now be used as a Prequel for a Traffic Overlay or other Grid Overlay.