How to add Financial Actions to your project

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Financial Actions are special actions of a Stakeholder during a session to execute simple Financial transactions. The access of a stakeholder to Financial possibilities during a session is determined with the availability of Financial Actions. There are two types of Financial actions, Finance view and Transfer money.

Adjusting the Financial Actions of a Stakeholder
Editor → Future Design (Ribbon tab) → Actions (Ribbon bar) → The Action Menu to edit (Left panel) → Actions tab (Right panel)
How to add Financial Actions to your project:
  1. Click in the FUTURE DESIGN tab on Actions.
  2. Select Finance in the Action menus on the left-side panel or create a new Action menu.
  3. Select the Stakeholders who should have access to this menu in the right-side panel.
  4. Select the Actions tab on the right-side panel and open the Special Options drop down menu.
  5. Open the Finance drop down menu.
  6. Select the desired Financial actions for the Stakeholder