Neighborhoods Overlay

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What the Neighborhoods Overlay is

Example of the Neighborhoods Overlay

The Neighborhood Overlay shows the division of the areas in neighborhoods and statistics concerning those areas.
The data used for this overlay is from the CBS Wijk- en Buurtkaart.

Additional information displayed in hover panel

Adding and removing

The Neigborhood overlay is added by default when creating a new project.

Template:Editor ribbon

How to add the Neighborhood Overlay:
  1. Select in the editor 'Geo Data' from the ribbon
  2. Select 'Overlays' from the ribbon bar
  3. Select the Neighborhood Overlay from the drop down menu

How to remove the Neighborhood Overlay:
  1. Select in the editor 'Geo Data' from the ribbon
  2. Select 'Overlays' from the ribbon bar
  3. Select the desired overlay from the list of active overlays on the left panel
  4. Select 'remove' from the bottom of the left panel
  5. Confirm the removal in the pop up confirmation message