How to debug a long calculation project using DEBUG UV
The calculation time of a water overlay can be influenced by several factors; the number of grid cells, the grid cell size, the total computing time, etc. An aspect that is even more difficult to grasp, but is just as important, is the complexity of the calculation. This includes the distribution of the water, the acceleration, and the types of models that are calculated (sewer, infiltration, waterworks, etc).
A phenomenon that we do see a lot is that in (more complex) projects there is sometimes an artifact in the elevation map, for example an extremely deep well or another source of sudden flow acceleration. This can cause the entire simulation to slow down. To see if this is also the case in your project, you can take the following steps:
- Add the DEBUG_UV result type to your water overlay as output. This is a result type that (for the purpose of debugging) shows the internal "speed" of water.
- Have the calculation calculated for at least 1 timeframe. If at least 1 timeframe has been calculated, you can in principle abort the calculation.
- With the DEBUG_UV overlay selected in the editor, in the panel on the right, click on "Show TQL for Max Value". This opens the TQL panel with a TQL query to determine and locate the height DEBUG_UV value.
- Click "Execute Query" to run the query. The camera will automatically move to the location with the highest DEBUG_UV.
Check that location to see if anything special is happening. Is there an adjustment/recalculation of the elevation map that makes an extremely high/low value here? (NO_DATA is also an extreme value) Is there a work of art that is set with extreme values? Is there anything else special here that needs to be further investigated or resolved?