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==More information==
==See also==
* [] • This  video shows how to edit data in the Tygron Platform externally through WFS.
* [] • This  video shows how to edit data in the Tygron Platform externally through WFS.


Revision as of 09:05, 25 March 2020


What is a WFS

A Web Feature Service, in short WFS, is a standard in where data is published to the Internet and can be downloaded in different (geo) data formats. This standard is defined by the OGC, the Open Geospatial Consortium.

The data is accessible through an URL and works in any browser. To read the metadata, filter data or download it, you can just use your browser. To visualize the data, the URL of the WFS can be read by a GIS (Geographical Information System).

One of the advantages of a WFS is that the data is accessible on the internet, so you can always access it (if there is internet) and you don’t have to carry files with you anymore. Also sharing data is more easily, since you just have to provide the WFS URL, instead of the data file.

WFS links in the Tygron Platform

The Tygron Platform can have a numbere of links to other WFS's, allowing data to be retrieved from those data sources and used in the project. There are already a few WFS's provided by default to load data from. These are already used by the Tygron Platform, among other datasets, to create a new project with.

  • BAG: the base registration for Addresses and Buildings in the Netherlands.
  • BRP: Gewaspercelen, a Dutch dataset containing the type of crops.
  • CBS Buurten: CBS Wijk en Buurtkaart; a Dutch dataset from the CBS containing the geometries of neighborhoods in the Netherlands and statistical data about these neighborhoods.
  • FGR: Fysisch geografische regio's; a Dutch dataset containing the types of land.

It is also possible to provide your own WFS, and add their data to your project.

The Tygron Platform's WFS endpoint

The geographical features in projects can also be accessed via a WFS endpoint. When exporting any geographical vector data, one of the options is to copy the session's WFS url. This url can be used in any GIS application which supports WFS.

All Tygron WFS options inherit from a single endpoint URL:

This endpoint exposes all available geographical data as individual layers. Each type of feature also has its own endpoint, which is accessible via each approprate data type's export function. Accessing those endpoints directly may also expose a number of sub-layers, providing some filtering inherent to that type of data.

Transaction support

Additionally, if you have a GIS application with support for WFS transactions (WFS-t), you can also modify the accessed features in the GIS application and publish them back to the Tygron Platform. The affected features will then be modified in the project as well. Data can only be modified in this way if the resulting data would be valid. I.e. constructions are not allowed to overlap.


See also