Web Interface

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Web interface

Web interface for Tygron Engine projects

Besides the regular user interface provided by the Tygron Engine, there is also web interface available for the participants in a session. This interface can be accessed using most modern web browsers. It is completely composed of HTML, CSS, and javascript, functioning like a common web page. The CSS file can be changed, and HTML and javascript can be injected into the interface via the editor. This allows the web interface to be fully customized in both function and appearance.

The web interface can be found at the url https://preview.tygron.com/web/. A correct session token must be provided as a parameter.


The web interface does not function as a perfect replacement for the regular, 3D user interface. Contrary to the regular user interface, the 3D world is displayed in 2D. It's not possible to draw selections in the 2D map, which means that users will be unable to take conventional actions such as placing constructions or purchasing land. Visuals, such as cinematics, special effects, weather effects, and visible traffic are not yet available for the 2D map. The web interface also remains available while a (multi-user) session is paused.

Web interface structure

The web interface consists of many parts, most of which can be configured to suit many styles and use-cases.


The map of the web interface is the most important part of the web interface. The map is only displayed in 2D, rather than 3D in the regular client. Despite this, it can still be referred to as the 3D World for most purposes. It is possible to move around across the map by clicking and dragging. It's also posible to zoom in and out by using the scrollwheel.

By default, the map will display the satellite map, which is also seen in the 3D interface. Overlayed on top are the polygons indicating the locations of water, roads, and constructions such as buildings.

Session Interface

The session interface is, in principle, the same as the regular user interface. The top bar can be found at the top of the screen, and the map panel on the right of the screen. However, there is no action menu available.

When a popup appears in the world, for example because of a stakeholder taking an action, or a panel being/becoming visible, the popup will be visible in the 2D map as well, and can be interacted with. Clicking the popup will open the related popup with the same contents and options are would be available in the 3D interface. Attention is not explicitly drawn to any popups in the web interface.

Custom HTML

It is possible to add custom content to the web interface as well. A panel can be selected to inject directly into the web interface, in a separate <div> element with both class and id set to "custom". If the content is HTML, and it contains <script> elements with javascript, the javascript is executed as the content is loaded.


It is also possible to configure a custom frontpage for the web interface. When a user is directed to the web interface at https://preview.tygron.com/web/, they will be presented not with the 2D map, but with the defined frontpage content instead. This allows a project creator to add a splashscreen or login page to the web interface.

The 2D map can still be accessed via its direct link: https://preview.tygron.com/web/map.html.





This article describes a technical aspect, and is mainly for advanced users.

