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Address in relation to Buildings

An address is a specific reference to the whereabouts and location of a Building, given to it and registered by the municipality. The set up of addresses is built on the assumption that buildings are fixed

Addresses in the Tygron Platform

The Tygron Platform distinguishes Addresses as a discrete type of data separate from Buildings but strongly related. Any Building can have 0 or more Addresses related to it. Each Address in turn can only be related to exactly one Building.

When creating a new project in the Netherlands, addresses can be automatically generated based on the BAG and TOP10NL. These databases contain the data on both addresses and buildings. The Tygron Platform uses this data to assemble project-specific data of both Buildings and Addresses, relating them as appropriate.

Properties of addresses

Addresses have a number of properties. In the Editor, individual addresses can be accessed by selecting the Building. The Addresses will be listed in the bottom panel.

Function information

Each address has information regarding the function at that address. Since Buildings can be used for multiple differing activities, for example having stores on the ground floor but housing units in the floors above, this allows for considerations within a single Building for different activities and functions.

The function of the Address is a string of text, with differing functions for the same address separated by comma's. Note that the descriptions of the function of Addresses are distinctly different from the Tygron Platform's built-in Functions of Building. The text describing the function of an Address is based directly on the BAG's records and is text only, whereas a Building's Function is a separate datatype with multiple properties of its own.

Example of different function types

Address information

Addresses primarily have properties related to identifying the address uniquely. These include:

  • Zipcode
  • Street
  • Number
  • Letter
  • Addition

Address Code

Addresses are uniquely identified by a combination of these properties. Such a combination is known as an Address Code, and is constructed as follows:

Zipcode + House Number + Letter + Addition

If any part is not relevant to a specific address (e.g. not every address has a letter, or an addition, or either), that part is omitted but the spaces which would otherwise separate the individual terms may still be present.

Note that the Address Code is a transient property of an Address. It is never stored as such, but can always be derived from its address information.

Surface size

Each Address can also have a configured surface size, which is not strictly linked to the total surface size or floor size of the Building. Deviation or other difference between a Building's floorsize and the sum of the surface sizes of its related Addresses may be attributed to additional underground floors, or common areas in the Building which are not otherwise part of a specific Address. Examples include atriums, stairways/elevators, and other corridors.


An overview of different addresses

Addresses may also be further enriched via Attributes, allowing arbitrary data to be assigned to them.

Attribute Unit Description
BAG_ADDRESS_ID integer This attribute representation BAG_ADDRESS_ID.
CADASTRAL_PURPOSE index The building type of this address.
RESIDENCE_TYPE index The building type of this residential address.
ENERGY_LABEL index The most recently known Energy Label of this address.
INHABITANTS persons The estimated amount of persons living at this address.
FLOOR_SPACE_M2 m2 The floor space of this address.

Attributes of Addresses can be accessed through the Attributes overview of their related Building, where a dropdown allows for a switch between displaying the Attributes of the Building itself, or the Attributes of a specific Address.

Network Wizard

When generating a networks using the network wizard each separeate address will have each own load, so it's possible for a Building to hold multiple load points. These load points will eventually determine the value of the nodes, which are connected to a network.