Difference (Overlay)

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The Difference overlay displays the difference between the original and the maquette state of a specific (dynamic) grid overlay to which it is coupled. This overlay is useful to see the impact of a specific action or measure on the coupled grid overlay in the 3D World. A hover panel gives additional information on the difference in a selected cell on the map in the same units as the coupled grid overlay.

The Difference overlay of the Heatstress overlay and additional information in the hover panel.

Adding and removing

Editor → Current Situation (Ribbon tab) → Overlays (Ribbon bar)
File:Show difference option.JPG

File:Show difference.JPG
How to add the Difference overlay:
  1. Select in the editor 'Geo Data' from the ribbon
  2. Select 'Overlays' from the ribbon bar
  3. Select the specific overlay from the drop down menu of where you want to see the difference of
  4. In the panel on the right side of the Overlay check the Show Difference Option Box
  5. In the Overlay ribbon, click on see Difference Map

How to remove the Difference overlay:
  1. Select in the editor 'Geo Data' from the ribbon
  2. Select 'Overlays' from the ribbon bar
  3. Select the desired overlay from the list of active overlays on the left panel
  4. Select 'remove' from the bottom of the left panel
  5. Confirm the removal in the pop up confirmation message